World Space week runs from the 4th - 10th October, World Space Week is an international celebration of all things SPACE and focuses on science and technology and its role in the past, present and future of mankind, a way of not only promoting the work that countries do together to explore space but also how important space technology is to life on earth.
World space week is set between these dates as the 4th October marks the anniversary of the launch of the world's first satellite Sputnik 1 in 1957 which began the Space Race. The 10th October is the anniversary of the signing of the Outer Space Treaty in 1967.
The theme for this year is Exploring new Worlds - this could be the start of some great discussions around where astronauts should visit next, what other worlds there are and what they could look like. Children could use J2e to produce information books on their new worlds, or have a vote on if there are other worlds out there they could also use the paint feature in Busy Things to create these, both available via LGfL. Busy Things also have a range of labelling and fact sheet templates all around the Solar System and Space
If you are running an event in school, you can register this on the World Space week website as well as finding a whole range of resources including: A Space nutrition activity sheet and an activity leaflet from Tim Peake.
Or why not get pupils to build their own space craft to explore the new worlds and they can even train like an astronaut in P.E.
You can find lesson plans and activities from Switched on Science - Out of this world Unit for Year 5 via LGfL.
Remember we would love to see your work for World Space week - you can share via our Twitter and Facebook page.