Join thousands of schools for a mega maths-inspired fundraising day and raise money for the NSPCC, on 1st February. With new creative activities this year, it's maths but not as you know it! Whether you dedicate a day or an hour to being a maths maverick, the NSPCC have a range of activities for schools, new for 2019. Schools can register for a pack including:
- digital resources you can use in class
- fundraising tips and ideas to help pupils and teachers raise money
- maths activities for children of all ages
- printed posters to promote your event
- access to teacher resources to keep children safe from harm, supporting your school's safeguarding.
LGfL have a range of resources that can complement your teaching of Number Day or why not use some of them to turn it into a Number week.
j2e Tool suite - has a range of maths tools that can be used in class.
Why not get your students to use the maths games in j2blast, you could use Tt Blast to see who can complete the most games and earn the most points on that day, or if they are in Year 2 or Year 6 you could get them to use Sats blast to see who can get the best score within the time limit.
j2vote can be used to see what is the favourite number within the school or you can use j2measure to look at measuring distances from school e.g. how many places are within 5cm or 10 cm on a map from school?
Using the animate tool in JIT, children could make an animation of their favourite numbers or facts about numbers narrating their animations and then turning them in a GIF
BusyThings have a huge range of maths games and quizzes that can be used from EYFS to KS2, we have featured just three below that are available. But why not use the curriculum browser or the search tool to find games related to Number to use with your class.
Why not Test KS2 knowledge with NEW quizzes – 60+ available!
Have fun testing children’s knowledge with Busy Things’ NEW quizzes – perfect as a front of class resource or for children to independently try to beat their previous scores! Teachers - you can assign quizzes too, giving great visibility of how children are progressing.

Miner Birds - Addition and Subtraction The popular Miner Birds suite has been expanded to include NEW Miner Birds - Addition and Subtraction with a wide variety of calculations customisable for children between the ages of 5 and 11. As with all the Miner Birds games, the aim is to be the first to collect twenty worms by correctly answering maths questions – so not only will children have fun practising their maths skills, they must also employ strategy and logical thinking to succeed!
Splash Dash
Help children to improve their addition and subtraction skills with NEW Splash Dash; starting with simple number sentences and progressing right up to 5 column addition and subtraction, the game can be played with children between the ages of 5 and 11.

Maths at home Support for busy parents - is great to site share with parents on this day to show them different ways that they can support their children at home, as well as how a lot of mathematical concepts are taught in school. The site includes short videos no longer than 3 minutes as well as activity sheets that can be used at home and covers Years 1-6
Looking to link maths to real world problems then our Maths in the real world is perfect for this especially for UKS2 or LKS3, with curriculum mapping documents available for KS2 and KS3. Lesson plans and resources are also included.
The real-world topics covered in the resource are:
- Algorithms
- Arena and Events
- Nutrition
- Round the World
- Speed Camera Investigation
- Sporting Decisions

Maths Raps - why not use the day to do a spot of rapping in class, these raps from BEAM have a range of raps related to Number that can be used, or why not get the children to create their own maths raps, use Audio Network as a backing track and upload your raps into Video Central HD to share with the wider community.
BBC Bitesize have a wide selection of videos for both KS1 and KS2 to use on Number day including learner guides and activities.
NRICH also have a range of games and activities for EYFS to Secondary that would be great to use on Number Day or to set as challenges for at home or through the school

Whatever you are doing to celebrate Number day 2018 - why not share them on our twitter feed or our Facebook page #NumberDay