Curriculum Blog

Maths Week London 2020 - Ready, Steady, Get Registered!

Written by Laura Smith | Jun 10, 2020 2:11:02 PM

Maths Week London is going to look slightly different to what was originally planned due to the Coronavirus pandemic! However the mission remains, to ignite a love of maths in children across the capital. Numeracy is a vital skill and we believe it can and should be enjoyable, relatable and accessible. 

Working with schools and families, Maths Week London aims to: 

  • improve children’s confidence in mathematics and encourage a positive attitude 
  • demonstrate to children the value of maths as a lifelong skill by linking it to the wider world around them 
  • encourage all children to develop their maths skills and become confident mathematicians 

We at LGfL are delighted to be supporting Maths Week London, taking place 22-26 June 2020. To join in the celebration and register to take part click here. Partners will be sharing a huge range of free resources available for teachers and parents to download and use during Maths Week London 2020. On the site you can also read a recently published blog - "Engaging Your Multi-Academy Trust With Maths Week London'. Once registered you will receive an email in the next couple of days with a link to the activities mentioned by Natasha Dolling in her blog! The idea is to get children to discover maths on their doorstep!

Of course at LGfL we have a range of resources you can use throughout Maths Week London and beyond, so please do share with your parents too since many are still home schooling (especially in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5).

J2e ToolSuite

Just2easy are also partners for Maths Week London and are one of LGfL strategic partners. They have a range of maths tools that can be used in class and shared with those at home.  Why not get your students to use TtBlast Live found in j2blast? They can compete against each other and see which pupil manages to win the most often. 

Also, for Year 2 and Year 6 pupils (where they did not sit SATs this year) they could complete SATsBlast KS1 and KS2 - these are based on the mental arithmetic style questions they would have had to answer as part of their maths SATs. (Found in the J2 blast tool as shown below).

In J2Vote, they could conduct a school survey and then present the data in  chart in J2Data or use J2Database to look at the examples (e.g the populations of countries around the world and a dinosaur database). 


You can also set up collaborative databases, so as a class working remotely they could still collect data from classmates and then interpret and represent this data. Perhaps they could ask how many of the 'PE with Joe Wicks' everyone has completed during lockdown as an example.

Maths in the Real World

MITRW does exactly what its title suggests; it puts maths in to real world problems and contexts. The detailed differentiation and detailed lesson plans and resources  ensure there is something for all ability levels. Some of the real world topics covered in the resource include: Nutrition, Arena and Events and Round the World.

The original plan was to make "Search and Rescue with HM Coastguards" open access to allow any schools (regardless of whether they are with LGfL or not) to use this resource during Maths Week London but obviously with Coronavirus far more of our resources are currently open access than just this one.

Please note that the access control is changing but the licence terms of use have not. Further details of licence conditions can be found in the individual summary page for each resource found at

Maths doesn’t get more real than an HM Coastguard search & rescue mission. Featuring exclusive footage of real‐life rescues at sea, lifeboat and helicopter searches, and rescue coordination at the National Maritime Operations Centre, pupils can see mathematical problem‐solving in action – real life, with real consequences. Topics covered include Bearings, Pythagoras and Trigonometry, Algebra, Vectors and Speed, Distance and Time. Watch the trailer below to learn more:

There is a cross-topic KS2 project lesson section which includes: lesson plan, worksheets, links to videos and scenario forms ready to use with your class.




Busy Things have set up a Maths Week London tab in their Special Events area to make finding suitable maths activities even easier for you! They have a range of quizzes and games to develop maths confidence and enjoyment.


They also have a series of "Busy at Home" activities that could be shared with parents and carers during Maths Week London. You can find them here.

BusyThings could also be used to support a lot of the ideas mentioned in the Maths Week London activity pack.

In EYFS, "Numbers in Nature", the pupils could be encouraged to vsit the "Expressive Arts and Design" tab and represent a number from 1-10 using different representations. They could also use Busy Graph Maker to keep count of the number of bears/teddies they see displayed in people's houses on their daily walks.

In KS1 and KS2, if they complete the tower challenge, they could then look at the heights of different London Landmarks or "Super Tall Structures".

Remember, we also have Maths at Home which parents might find supportive to get ideas from either for Maths Week London or in general. Maths at Home has a video for each national curriculum descriptor for Key Stage 1 and 2; where appropriate, video content is reinforced with a selection of downloadable resources too.

Virtual Teachmeet




London Teachers! Join @MissSlatterySTJ via Zoom for the #MathsWeekLDN virtual TeachMeet, taking place Wed 24 June at 4:30. Share your ideas & insights to support our mission of improving children's confidence in maths. LGfL will have some members of the team joining the TeachMeet and will be happy to answer questions too.

Register for FREE





Remember, if you need any support with our learning content you can contact the Inspire Team by emailing us on  or contacting the LGfL Switchboard: 020 82 555 555.

If you do use any LGfL content in your school to inspire your students do let us know by posting them on LGfL’s Twitter or Facebook.

@mathsweekldn #MathsWeekLDN