It is in LGfL’s DNA to tackle inequality and being committed to an inclusive approach for young people to express themselves positively about issues that matter to them, that is why we have launched the ‘Amplify’ project.

Often issues in wider society such as racism, xenophobia, intolerance can have a profoundly negative impact on students’ everyday experience both in and out of school. It is more important than ever to listen to and elevate the positive student voices, experiences, and histories of our diverse communities.
The goal of ‘Amplify’ is to support creative activities that promote critical reflection and honest conversation within school communities, enabling all members (whatever their age) to engage with issues that matter to them. The project aims to find stories, resources and ideas and amplify them to a wider audience.
Amplify will empower ALL student voices using LGfL’s award-winning range of digital tools and enable them to be heard by a global audience. We recognise that some students struggle to find their place, or feel like they don’t fit in and knowing that their voice is being heard can help them to see that they’re not alone!
The Amplify projects will offer themes and provide examples and starting points on how students can use them with digital tools that LGfL schools have.
Amplify Themes and Focus:
We want students to examine and explore their identity – through the prisms of ethnicity, class, gender and sexuality – in the modern world and how the past may have an effect on this.
Examine and explore what kindness means to your students and how they can encourage wider society to “choose kind”.
What does “community” mean to your students? This could be their local community or the global community. What makes people special and how do they care for and keep one another safe? What role and responsibilities can pupils play in order to make a positive difference within their communities?
What can be done to protect the environment now and for future generations and explore how past actions may have caused harm.
We want students to examine and explore what can be done to ensure people look after themselves both physically and mentally.
What does “diversity” mean to your students? How can we become more inclusive and celebrate our similarities and differences as a society?
Submission Process:
There are no specific age restrictions - teachers can decide on which themes are suitable for their classes and cohorts.
The student’s projects can be in any form - a piece of text, image (or a series of them), a movie or audio track, but when submitting you must include the following:
- Title
- Category/Theme of submission
- School name
- Description of student’s work
- Link to student’s work
N.B It is important to ensure that students’ identities are managed carefully in relation to their contributions and school staff must moderate submissions.
Once completed you (the teacher) can submit the work (via this submission form) to be uploaded and celebrated on a website hosted by LGfL. The aim is to amplify the student’s stories and provide legacy resources to be revisited throughout the year. We will also look to add to the themes and expand on the suggested examples as and when schools submit work.
We look forward to seeing what you and your student’s produce and welcome suggestions for other themes to add in the future. If you have any suggestions email us at (with the subject header Amplify).