Curriculum Blog

IncludED in your classroom

Written by Belinda Evans | Sep 18, 2023 12:57:55 PM


Welcome to the latest IncludED blog.

‘IncludED in Your Classroom’ is an LGfL resource created to help school staff ensure their classroom, learning spaces, and the whole school are as inclusive as possible.

We thought it would be timely to remind you of the resource as it is the start of the new academic year and signposts you to resources and ideas to remove the barriers to learning.


The six areas in 'IncludED in the classroom'.

'IncludED in the classroom' consists of specific areas of need -

  • Autistic spectrum needs
  • Hearing needs
  • Challenging behaviour needs
  • Dyslexia needs
  • EAL needs
  • Wellbeing needs

Each area has a dedicated page of resources and support material and a downloadable PDF poster that can printed and put up in the school environment or displayed digitally.

The downloadable resource 

The posters break down each topic into key areas, and each area contains top tips for supporting inclusion and well-being. 

Each poster contains a short link and QR code which links to an online counterpart for each topic. 

Click here to view an example of the poster ‘Supporting Learners on the Autistic Spectrum.’                                               

The online counterpart

The online counterpart mirrors the information in the posters with additional information, greater depth, and further links to resources to provide extra advice and support. Included are links to supporting LGfL resources as well as external agencies.

The resource has been created to provide staff and schools with support and ideas that are easy to read and practical.

It also has the dual purpose of being used for CPD training for a whole staff group or as a one-stop shop for teachers and support staff to use with learners in the classroom.


The DHH or Deaf or hard of hearing resources 

For example, let's look at the hearing needs online resource page.

The downloadable poster signposts you to and provides support information on technology,’ ‘learning resources and adaption,’ ‘support for social and emotional needs,’ ‘classroom environment,’ and ‘teaching and learning.’

The posters were produced with help from Nicky Tricks and Richard Cloudesley from the Outreach Team in Islington. 

It can be used as a staffroom or CPD resource or even stored digitally as part of the school SEND policy and practice area.

Each poster contains a short link and QR code that links to each topic's online counterpart. 

The hearing needs online counterpart has the same support information categories as the poster but expands each part with more detail.

Example of support advice for the DHH (deaf/ hard of hearing pupil)

Using technology: 

  Pupils with hearing aids/cochlear implants should be wearing them consistently. Be familiar with these devices and ensure they are used correctly. Equipment should be checked daily and working appropriately. Support pupils to manage their equipment independently. Speak with your local Qualified Teacher of the Deaf (QToD) if issues or concerns.

Support for social and emotional needs:

  Be aware pupils may have difficulties with social interaction. Pupils do not want to stand out as different, so they may struggle in silence rather than ask for help. Liaise with your local Qualified teacher of the deaf  (QToD) and ensure each pupil understands their needs and feels confident to discuss them. Ensure pupils do not feel isolated in the playground.

Teaching and learning:

  Look at the pupil and get their full attention. When speaking to the class, try to face the pupils and avoid turning around as they talk. Give pupils some ‘thinking time’ before asking them to respond to questions. Check-in regularly with pupils to ensure they have heard and understood the learning. Keep background noise levels to a minimum. Support pupils to become active listeners.

Classroom environment:

  Pupils should be seated at the front, not necessarily in the centre, with a clear view. Tables in a horseshoe allow for pupils to see everyone’s face. When speaking to the class, try to stay in one place. Try not to make yourself ‘backlit’; pupils often rely on lipreading and signing. It is better if you face a window or light source.
Stand at an appropriate distance from the pupil. Being too far away will make it harder for them.
Use a visual timetable that includes the word and a picture.

Learning resources and adaption:

  Use visual resources to support the learning, especially when introducing new vocabulary or topics.

The online counterpart provides ideas and classroom management tools that are useful, practical, and beneficial to consider in the classroom context and supports the removal of the barriers to learning for this group of learners.

Signposts to further support options

Each category also signposts further resources of support sites and links to further resources within the LGfL learning resources platform that will provide teaching and learning opportunities or some ideas of individual pupil support options.

For example, the hard of the hearing page directs you to look at Widgit, Multi-sensory learning, and learning through movement - all part of the IncludED service.



Redesigning a classroom space for all learners - one school's journey

Redesigning a learning space at Whitefield Primary School Case Study 

Considering how your classroom meets the needs of all learners, especially pupils who may have requirements outlined in the 'IncludED in your classroom' resource, and how a classroom and its design considerations can remove the barriers to learning is a question that Whitefield Primary School in Liverpool investigated. 

Whitefield had the opportunity to redesign the learning space for their two year 6 classrooms.

After discussions, they sought specialist advice on designing a room around the learner's needs rather than the institution.

The results have been positive for both learners and teachers. 

This case study explores the complex interrelationship between furniture, pedagogy, technology, and other environmental factors such as lighting, textures, and spaces to work.

The case study can be seen here



So, if you haven’t  looked at 'IncludED in the classroom' and feel that this may be a valuable resource to share with colleagues, please visit and to view the redesigning of a learning space case study please see