National Non-Fiction November is the Federation of Children’s Book Groups’ annual celebration of all things factual. Born out of National Non-Fiction Day, the brain child of Adam Lancaster during his years as Chair, the whole month now celebrates all those readers that have a passion for information and facts and attempts to bring non fiction celebration in line with those of fiction.
The theme for this year is The World Around Us. Focusing on books that explore different natural environments and their flora and fauna. Through their engagement with books, the federation hope that young readers will:
- be encouraged to look more closely at the world around them;
- develop their natural curiosity and want to find out more for themselves;
- expand their knowledge and build their expertise in topics of personal interest;
- be inspired to take care of the natural world;
- think about what action they could take to help protect endangered environments and species.
The Federation of Children's Book Groups has produced a range of resources that teachers and children can use during the month. This includes a range of posters, bookmarks and suggested books for in the classroom. They have also produced a booklist of 100 brilliant non-fiction books for children and young people.
You can celebrate Non-Ficion November by joining us for our next Reading Zone Live with Oliver Jeffers.

We would love you to join in with this event and there are a number of ways you can do this:
- If you have access to Video conferencing (VC) facilities you can link with the live event by emailing contentsupport@lgfl.net
- If you do not have access to VC, you can e mail questions in advance to contentsupport@lgfl.net
- You can watch the event live from 2:20 pm on the 15th November by clicking here. The linkwill enable to watch the live stream at 2:20pm on the day.
- Tweet us before and during the event using the hashtag #RZL to @LGfL on Twitter or ourFacebook page.
Oliver has just published his first non-fiction book Here we are:
"It started off as a book about the realization that new life is a blank slate (trying to explain what a door is, and what a kitchen is for), and the strangeness of being a new parent. But as the book unfolded, so did the global events of the last year or so, and it felt like it became more urgent to reinforce some basic things my parents taught me about the simple principles of humanity. I wanted my son to know that while we are all unique individuals, we are all in this together."
Listening Books available through LGfL have over100 curriculum based audiobook by simply logging on with their LGfL username and password. Two new releases to the LGfL Listening Book catalogue of audio books. “Why is Snot Green? And Other Extremely Important Questions” and “Inventors and their Bright Ideas” You can find out more about Listening Books in this blog post.
Other non-fiction resources available from LGfL include: Ebooks from Rising Stars, Talking stories and Inclusive resources.
Our history topics of The Romans in London, The Tudors in London, The Royal Mews and Polar Exploration all include lessons plans on the retrieval and recording of information from non-fiction sources.
Please let us know via our Twitter and Facebook pages or leave us a comment here to let us know what you are doing for Non Fiction November.