Did you know that by this week, more than 60% of people will have given up on their New Year’s resolutions?

The holidays are over, and school is back in session and we know how hard it can be to keep those resolutions up so at LGfL we have come up with 10 simple easy to keep resolutions that will help you start the New Year in a positive way and help you get the most out of the amazing content and support that LGfL can give you.
- Sign up to our newsletters: Every month we send out an email update to everyone who has signed up: to hear about new events and online learning resources, updates to education legislation, or news on how we can help keep your students safe and learn more with LGfL. We have 3 different newsletters LGfL, DSLs and online safety leads and SEND.
- Read and subscribe to our Curriculum blog: Our blog is updated weekly and offers a mix of topical pieces relating to how best to use LGfL content within your school setting.
- Put this date in your diary: 24th - 27th January 2018 We will be at Bett at ExCel London, you can find us on stand D260, we will be running talks and demos as well as drop ins with the consultants to help you get the most out of LGfL.
- Check out our training hub: Our LGfL Training Hub offers CPD at its best, offering a unique range of courses, browse and book or share a link with colleagues
- Like and follow us on Social Media: Follow us on our social media channels Twitter and Facebook to keep up-to-date with the latest news, research highlights and benefit from a range of useful resources.
- Put this date in your diary: 30th April 2018 - Our annual LGfL conference, details on how to book will be advertised soon.
- Read and subscribe to our Safeguarding blog: Our Safeguarding blog is updated weekly and offers regular information, commentary and updates relevant to safeguarding.
- Put this date in your diary: 9th March 2018 - LGfL DigiSafe conference - online and beyond. A free conference for DSLs and online safety leads, you can find more information and how to bookhere
- Make sure you have your USO: Make sure you and students have access to all of LGfL content at school and home by having your USO and password.
If you like our #LGfLresolutions– why not share them on Twitter or Facebook.