Sport Relief is when the British public comes together to get active, raise money and change lives. This time, it’s bigger than ever and there is a whole week of epic activity lined up from 17th to 23rd March 2018.
There are support packs for Primary, Secondary and Nurseries to download, these include challenges including the daily mile, fundraising ideas, posters for schools. a guide for school councils and a new song and dance that pupils can learn ‘Step it Up for Sport Relief!’
Team Marathon for KS1 and KS2 from LGfL can also be used, the resource follows agroupofchildrenthroughaprogrammeofsixtrainingsessionsleadingtotheTeamMarathonevent,which involveschildrenrunningtogethertocompletethemarathondistance.Thefinaltwoupdatescover theeventitselfandreportingonit.Thematerialsalsooffersupportforanumberofcross-curricular activitiesrelatedtoorganisingandreportingontheeventandissuesfromtheSEALagendalike targetsettingandteamwork.
Or why not use the week to focus on dance using the brilliant BalletBoyz resource for KS2-4. BalletBoyzleadsthefieldinusingdigitaltechnologyinitsoutputandtodisseminatetowider audiences,andthisexpertise,inpartnershipwithLGfL,hasresultedinnew,digitalcontenttoaid thedeliveryofdanceinschoolsinLondon.
Premier League Primary Stars offer a range of resources for P.E., P.H.S.E, Maths and English, teachers can access these resources by signing up via their website. Registration is needed before the resources can be downloaded, alongside lesson plans there are also assembly ideas. Teachers registered on the site can also apply for free kit for their schools as well.
Also from the Premier League and BBC, is Super Movers the aim of this new resource launched last month is to encourage teachers to adopt an active approach to learning and include physical activity throughout the day.
Super Movers gives teachers video content-led ideas and simple solutions to help children learn while they move - all free, fun, and easy to use in the classroom. No extra equipment is required.
Some of the exciting things Super Movers offer include:
Top tips and bright ideas about how to best use Super Movers from active schools and football clubs across the UK
Stars from the worlds of football and television will come together to capture children's imagination in a series of videos that will enhance children's learning
Premier League-inspired rewards including prizes, certificates and stickers to help incentivise children
Live Lessons broadcast on BBC platforms
Super Movers can also be used at home too with a range of fun videos and games designed to get children and grown-ups moving together in their living rooms, so parents as well as teachers can join in. Teachers can sign up to the Super Movers newsletter now to be the first to know about latest video releases, get exciting news and information about upcoming Super Movers events and hear from other teachers.
What ever you do for Sport Relief 2018, please share via our twitter or Facebook pages.
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