The winners of our Digital Excellence Awards were announced at our annual conference - congratulations to all our winners as well as all schools shortlisted.
Online Safety Award - Tudor Primary School
The judges commented:
There are a range of resources and embedded across the school. The peer led aspects are particularly strong, the young people are clearly involved and responsible for their own safety and the safety of others. There are extensive parental opportunities to be involved and the school is very proactive and use surveys to consistently identify issues and support.
Use of j2e Tools - Ranelagh Primary School
The judges commented:
There is extensive use of the j2e tool suite within the school. There is a long term development plan and the home school use is clearly embedded. The school monitors the use of j2e access, use and files shared across the school. There is good CPD embedded and the school is clearly getting good value for money.
Digital Excellence by students - Elm Park Primary School
The judges commented:
The school uses technology across the curriculum and the digital leaders support technology across the school and the curriculum, including the promoting of online safety. The peer mentors support their fellow pupils across the school. The visit to the school saw technology used across the curriculum, across a range of devices and platforms both in whole class, small group and pupil lead activities.
LGfL Inclusive practice - The Cedars Primary School
The judges commented:
There are clear links to all curriculum areas. The needs of the children are clearly identified and resources are used well to support them. The school is creative in their use of technology and there is extensive, embedded use across the school. There are clear considerations of emotional well being and improving behaviour across the school and the impact is clear.
Parental Engagement - Anson Primary School
The judges commented:
The judges were impressed that parental engagement has been embedded for a long time. The school is encouraging parents to get engaged with safer use of technology at home. The school has packaged this so that school across London can benefit from the Anson Primary initiative.
Whole School use of LGfL - Newington Green Primary School
The judges commented:
The school showed an extensive use of a wide range of LGfL resources in all phases. There is innovative and creative use of resources. The use is very inclusive with resources and opportunities identified for all learners. There is a whole school digital strategy and LGfL resources and opportunities are embedded by all subject leaders.
There was also a highly commended awarded in this category to Trafalgar Infant School
The judges commented:
The judges were very impressed by the high expectations of the young children. The school makes full use of the LGfL resources and the children are very able and eager users of the resources supported by an excellent team of digital leaders within the school.

You can watch the award ceremony below:
Case studies from the winning schools will be available soon to enable all London schools to learn from and adapt to your own context.
The LGfL Digital Excellence Awards for 2019 will be starting earlier next year so will hopefully provide more opportunities for you to get involved and share your successes and be recognised for the great work that goes on in every school, every day.