Our next ReadingZone Live features the author Sibéal Pounder on 15th March from 2:30 pm.
Sibéal Pounder used to work for the Financial Times, where she researched the How To Spend It section and wrote the For Goodness' Sake column – interviewing everyone from Veronica Etro to Vivienne Westwood. Now she writes about fabulous witches and bad mermaids in her two much loved series for Bloomsbury. Sibéal's first book, Witch Wars, was shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2016.
Sibéal Pounder brings together the characters from her brilliant, bonkers, bestselling Bad Mermaids and Witch Wars series for a once-in-a-lifetime World Book Day adventure. Once every one hundred years, the mermaids of the Hidden Lagoon and the witches of Sinkville get together for a party! The Top Witch greets the Mermaid Queen, who is wheeled through the streets of Sinkville in a bathtub. Mermaids Beattie, Mimi and Zelda can't wait to meet a real witch, but when Tiga is unexpectedly sucked down the plughole into the Hidden Lagoon before the celebrations even start, things start to go magically, marvellously, megalodon-sharkally WRONG.
ReadingZone Live is a partnership with ourselves and Reading Zone bringing regular interviews and live videos conferences with some of the best contemporary children's authors and illustrators to London school.
Antony Horowitz, Sally Gardner, Jaqueline Wilson, Michael Morpurgo, Henry Winkler, Oliver Jeffers and Lauren Child are among the authors who have already joined us for the ReadingZone Live Programme, which helps to inspire young people to explore new authors and genres and help children to develop their own creative writing.
LGfL schools are linked to our live author events via video conferencing, with one school selected to host the author event, during each event, authors discuss their writing process before answering the student's questions via video. Schools that have video conferencing facilities can join the event and have their questions answered.
Schools can watch the broadcast via live webcast starting at 2:30 pm on 15th March, more details of the event and how you can be involved can be found here.
FREE Author Event - Sign up by end of day on 28th March
Virginia Clay, author of Warrior Boy, is based in Kenya but will be visiting London in March. ReadingZone alongside
London Grid for Learning are offering two London primary schools a FREE author event with Virginia on 26th March - a truly unmissable offer! To be entered into the draw for a free author event, just let them know why you would like to host one of Virginia's events, and the size of audience offered, by emailing: info@ReadingZone.com (Subject: Warrior Boy) The two winning schools will be notified on Tuesday 5th March.
Virginia is offering an hour-long assembly-style event for primary audiences of 180+. Her events are aimed at years 3-6 (ages 8-11) and are entertaining as well as informative. Virginia will also handle book sales on the day.
Warrior Boy, for ages 9+, follows London schoolboy Ben, who is visiting his father's homeland of Kenya. Ben thinks he won't fit in with his estranged Maasai cousins but when he arrives, he finds there is a lot more at stake than his pride ... In a thrilling adventure of tribal culture and elephant conservation, Ben embarks on a journey of self-understanding and friendship.
Dates for your Diary
We have two more fantastic Reading Zone Live events coming up in April and May.
3rd April with the brilliant Maz Evans author of Who let the Gods out and her most recent book Against all Gods.
22nd May with the fantastic Fleur Hitchcock author of The boy who flew and Murder in Mid winter.