Our next ReadingZone Live features the author Fleur Hitchcock on 20th May from 2:30 pm.
Born in Chobham, by an airfield, and raised outside Winchester on the banks of the river Itchen, Fleur Hitchcock grew up as the youngest child of three. She spent her smallest years reading Tintin and Batman under her brother’s bed, and searching for King Alfred’s treasure in the river. She grew up a little, went away to school near Farnham, studied English in Wales, and, for the next twenty years, sold Applied Art in the city of Bath. When her younger child was seven, she embarked on the Writing for Young People MA at Bath Spa and graduated with a distinction.
Now living outside Bath, between parenting and writing, Fleur Hitchcock works with her husband, a toymaker, looks after other people’s gardens and tries to grow vegetables. Her latest book is the Boy is The boy who flew and you can read a review of the book here.
It is really easy to take part in one of our ReadingZone live events and can have a real impact on students and reading within your school.
I can’t thank you enough for working with our school. The author events and books that you send us are really helping us to promote reading for pleasure.
Lytchett Minster School
We want as many schools as possible to experience the ReadingZone Live programme in a live, interactive way. We do not want technology to be a barrier to participation. Therefore, we have configured the technology to be open to all schools. It is no longer necessary to have dedicated Video Conferencing equipment.
You are able to join the RZL event by using Google Hangout with this link on the day http://lgfl.link/RZLhangout
You will need a Google account in order to join. You can also view the event on the day here: www.rzlwatch.lgfl.net We also have a collaborative question doc here where you can pose your questions for Fleur.
For more detailed guidance please read this updated information.
ReadingZone Live is a partnership with ourselves and Reading Zone bringing regular interviews and live videos conferences with some of the best contemporary children's authors and illustrators to London school.
Antony Horowitz, Sally Gardner, Jaqueline Wilson, Michael Morpurgo, Henry Winkler, Oliver Jeffers and Lauren Child are among the authors who have already joined us for the ReadingZone Live Programme, which helps to inspire young people to explore new authors and genres and help children to develop their own creative writing.
LGfL schools are linked to our live author events via video conferencing, with one school selected to host the author event, during each event, authors discuss their writing process before answering the student's questions via video. Schools that have video conferencing facilities can join the event and have their questions answered.
Schools can watch the broadcast via live webcast starting at 2:30 pm on 20th May, more details of the event and how you can be involved can be found here.