The Easter holidays are over and it’s time to take off those bunny ears, put down the Easter Eggs (well go on have just one more!) and get thinking about the summer term.

As teachers we know with Phonic test’s, SATs, GCSE’s, A Levels or just making it though the term with tired and hot students, just how hard the summer term can be.
Listed below are our top tips on how to best plan a successful summer term, help get summer started in a positive way and helping you get the most out of the amazing content and support that LGfL can give you and your students.
Get booking: Our annual Conference is this month 25th April 2019 – We have some amazing keynote speakers and a terrific range of seminars to book, we have a few tickets left so be quick and grab the final tickets on Eventbrite.
See how much you save: Using our new savings calculator you can see just how much your LGfL Let’s get Digital subscription is saving you school as well as providing you with award winning curriculum resources and high speed board band.
Sign up to our newsletters: Every month we send out an email update to everyone who has signed up: to hear about new events and online learning resources, updates to education legislation, or news on how we can help keep your students safe and learn more with LGfL. We have 3 different newsletters LGfL, DSLs and online safety leads and SEND.
Get you students SATS ready Using SATs Blast: SATS Blast is part of the BETT award-winning j2e Tool Suite. SATs Blast provides:
- SATS maths games for Key Stage 1 and 2
- Practice or test mode
- Teacher feedback on areas of success or to highlight problem areas
- Automatic test certificates for pupils who complete a SATs maths test
- Gamification – Earn points to release avatars, encouraging pupil engagement
Read and subscribe to our Curriculum blog: Our blog is updated weekly and offers a mix of topical pieces relating to how best to use LGfL content within your school setting, subscribe to make sure you get the latest update straight to your inbox.
G-e-t ready for the Phonics test: LGfL have a range of resources to support the Phonics test:
Busy Things has fun and engaging activities to help students at any phonics level. You can choose exactly which phonemes and graphemes are being used and so allow children to work at their own pace/level. Don’t forget the super useful Phonics resource maker which enables you to create your own paper-based resources to support a systematic phonics programme and is great for group work.
We also have the highly used i-board phonics suite, the suite consists of 12 activity types which can be use with any combination of words from the suggested word list in each phase of letters and sounds, great for shared class work or smaller phonic interventions.
Check out our training hub: We have added a huge range of training to our Training Hub offering a unique range of courses, browse and book or share a link with colleagues. Training is FREE for all LGfL teachers and is held on a Tuesday at Camden CLC,or in our new Headquarters in Liverpoll street you can find out more about the courses on offer and how to sign up here. Examples of future courses include: Creative computing, supporting Teaching Assistants, Google Microsoft. We also have new iPad training exploring th everyone can create, and everyone can code guides for information on any of our training just go to
Like and follow us on Social Media: Follow us on our social media channels Twitter and Facebook to keep up-to-date with the latest news, research highlights and benefit from a range of useful resources.
Read and subscribe to our Inclusion Blog: Our Inclusion Blog is updated weekly and offers regular information, commentary and updates relevant to SEND.
Book an inset Day: it’s not too late to book a Free school session with one of our Learning resource consultants, the summer is a great time to start thinking about the new academic year and modifying your curriculum map, just email to book an inset.
If you like our top summer tips or have your own top tips for starting the summer term why not share them on our Twitter or Facebook accounts.