We are pleased to announce that the Digital Excellence Awards 2020 competition in now open; celebrating best practice and innovative approaches in using the wide range of learning resources and services provided by LGfL.
Please visit awards2020.lgfl.net.
We will be accepting entries to the five categories as detailed here (follow the links for entry forms):
Category 1 - Digital Excellence Award: Innovative Use of LGfL Content Form 1
Category 2 - Digital Excellence Award: Inclusive Practice Using LGfL Resources Form 2
Category 3 - DigiSafe Excellence Award: Keeping Children Safe Online - A Joined-up Safeguarding and Curriculum Approach Form 3
Category 4 - Digital Excellence Award: Whole School Cloud Transformation Form 4
Category 5 - Digital Excellence Award: Innovative Use of Adobe Creative Cloud Form 5
This year we have included a cash prize of £1000 in addition to the physical award and an image you can display on your school website. The closing date for entries is 28th February 2020.
Why do schools enter the LGfL Awards?
Schools will have different reasons for entering, but one common theme is usually the desire to receive validation and recognition for the school’s digital journey with the support of LGfL and this year of course there is a cash prize too!
What impact might winning the LGfL Award have on your school?
Previous winners (and those who were highly commended) comment that not only did it give the school a boost and recognition for the work they have done, but it also provided them with a platform to build on and further embed the use of technology and LGfL resources throughout the school and support others to do so too.
The previous winners would urge others to just give it a go! They say it gives you the opportunity to reflect on what your school has implemented in terms of a digital strategy and may also help you to prioritise future plans. So what are you waiting for?
For more like this visit LGfL TV where you can listen to a range of winning schools talking about the reasons why they entered, the impact the awards have had and much more.
Please let us know of any suggestions for blog posts or indeed if you would like to write a guest post by contacting us on LGfL’s Twitter or Facebook.