Are you joining schools across the UK on Friday 4 February 2022 for the NSPCC's mega maths fundraising Number Day?
Once registered the NSPCC will provide you with everything you need to make your event a success, including access to their online resources page where you'll find:
BusyThings have a wealth of resources to support number at home, from flashcards, to games, printables and interactive worksheets there are over 200 activities that can be used for extend numeracy skills from EYFS to KS2. If you have an LGfL teacher log in, you can search via the "Special Events" tab. You will see that "National Numeracy Day" is listed as shown below; there are many maths resources highlighted for use that would also be suitable for NSPCC Number Day:
If you are new to BusyThings do also explore the Maths Resource Maker Area: "Number and Place Value" and "Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication". You can create your own number cards, counting and number bonds worksheets and much more.
We also have the home learning resource "Busy at Home" - suggested activities targetted to different age groups and topics. These can be still be found on the LGfL Coronavirus site (some are pictured below):
j2e Toolsuite has a range of maths tools that can be used for Number Day. Why not get your pupils to use Tt Blast to see who can complete the most games and earn the most points on that day? Or you could set up j2vote and then set some analysis questions based on the data collected. The pupils could also be asked to collect data araound a topic with family and friends and then decide which graph is best to represent the data collected.
Maths in the Real World activities include: Nutrition, Arena and Events and Round the World - perfect to use on National Numeracy day for the children to apply their mathematical knowledge to real life problems. Parents could use one or all of the topics to get children to budget for a meal, event or travelling round the world (when the travel ban is lifted and social distancing is relaxed).
Maths at Home is a fantastic resource to share with parents if you haven't already. The resource is designed to provide support for parents to help their child with their mathematical development at home. A video has been made for every single NC descriptor for the whole of KS1 and 2. Each video is a snapshot of how many schools may teach the particular strand, and also provides examples of how parents could support their child at home. Where appropriate, video content is reinforced with a selection of downloadable resources.
Maths at Home videos are designed to feel like they are taking place on a table at home, encouraging communication, conversation and lots of fun while working on them. The video resources are designed to bring maths to life, highlighting learning opportunities within cookery, play, decorating and gardening. Most importantly, they are designed to ignite conversations between children and parents, and to make maths a positive and enjoyable experience outside of school.
Smash Maths is an online Primary maths programme where students revisit and practise every area of the maths curriculum every week. The programme is created by leading national experts Sarah-Anne Fernandes and Trevor Dixon. Their philosophy is to systematically revisit all content areas of the curriculum every week, so that learning retention is improved significantly over time. This they believe is particularly pertinent after the national lockdowns to support children in consolidating their maths learning and catch up and a vital resource to prepare for the forthcoming 2022 Maths SATs.
The programme uses a variety of questions that use logic and reasoning and guarantees high quality, varied practice and are aligned with national SATs questions to prepare children for key assessments.
The free Spiral Practice for schools has 6-8 questions covering each content domain to complete weekly; with expected standard year group content phased into each Spiral Practice as pupils progress through the maths curriculum. The Practices align to White Rose curriculum maps, so pupils will only be given questions on what they have already learnt (ie revisiting learning, not new content). Every question has expert video feedback modelling how to solve each question.
The Spiral Practice is available for free to teachers to use for every pupil in schools, (however there is an additional service for parents where they can purchase the SMASH maths full programme, where pupils receive an additional 20 questions per week). If you are interested in accessing the Spiral Practice for your school and want to find out more contact They can get all your pupils set up to complete free Spiral Practice in school (and set up a dedicated school landing page for parents should they wish to purchase the SMASH Maths full programme).
BBC Bitesize - a range of different lessons in maths (and other subjects are available)
Oak National Academy - a bank of high-quality, sequenced video lessons and resources
Gareth Metcalfe's iseemaths - information, resources and links for the daily home maths lessons hosted by Gareth Metcalfe during the UK school closures for Covid-19
Graham Andre's Mathematics Shed - The Shed is a collection of videos and resources to help you teach maths in an engaging way, there are a huge number of 'sheds' including the warm up shed, addition shed and a maths topic shed to name a few.
We are delighted to be supporting Maths Week London, taking place 27th June - 1st July 2022. Maths Week London’s mission is to ignite a love of maths in children across the capital. Numeracy is a vital skill and we believe it can and should be enjoyable, relatable and accessible. Working with schools and families, Maths Week London aims to:
Visit the website to:
AND save the date for the virtual TeachMeet (provisionally Thursday 23rd June) - more details to follow once confirmed.
Join in the celebration #MathsWeekLDN @mathsweekldn and register your school today. Link:
If you do use any LGfL content in your school to inspire your students do let us know by posting them on LGfL’s Twitter or Facebook.