What is a maths teacher’s favourite dessert? Pi of course! And what better day to have a large slice of Pi then on Pi day!
Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159.
Each year on 3/14, teachers in classrooms across the world take a break from the normal routine to plan a special celebration in honour of pi, or the number 3.14. March 14 also happens to be the birth day of Albert Einstein which makes the day an extra special one for planning maths challenges and math fun!
Pi Day activities are meant to enrich and deepen students' understanding of pi and mathematic concepts with real life mathematical hands on experiences.
Pi Day gives ample opportunity for creative math fun and offers students to study real world maths problems. This amazing activity, for example, allows your students to play pi as a musical sequence! (You will need flash installed) Simply pick ten notes, which are then assigned to integers, and then listen to what pi sounds like! Try Cutting Pi, a hands-on activity in which students measure cylindrical objects in the classroom with string, cut their measured string into three equal pieces, and then figure out how to measure the leftover piece. They'll see for themselves how pi comes up every time! Learn how to make a circle from three points on a plane and have fun manipulating nested circles with this interactive tool that shows students that circles are awesome.
LGfL have a range of resources that can support teaching real world maths skills.

Maths doesn’t get more real than an HM Coastguard search and rescue mission. Search and Rescue with HM Coastguard features exclusive footage of real life rescues at sea, lifeboat and helicopters searches and rescue coordination at the National Maritime Operations Centre, pupils can see mathematical problem solving in action.
For more real-world examples of mathematics Maths in the Real World offers activities based in the real world, the real-world topics covered in the resource are:
- Algorithms
- Arena and events
- Nutrition
- Round the World
- Speed Camera Investigations
- Sporting decisions
To plan an exciting maths event for Pi day why not use the Viral Contagion resource to inspire you to create a large-scale maths event or use the resource to recreate the event yourself. Viral Contagion explores the real-world maths that would occur as result of biological virus outbreak in an urban area.

Maths at home also offers a range of videos exploring the mathematical concepts involved with Pi, the resource is designed for busy parents but can also be used by teachers to explore and explain mathematical concepts from Early Years to Key Stage 1 and 2.

Maths raps offers an unforgettable rap about circles, Maths raps is a series of rap videos from BEAM on Numbers and Calculations, shape and space and solving problems covering the KS2 Numeracy as the raps says “Yeah, you’ve got it, don’t forget it, rap with confidence!”

For Younger Students you can Introduce ideas such as size, shape, circumference and diameter, and fractions by making pizzas, Busy Things has a Pizza recipe to follow as well as an online pizza making activity or explore fractions by playing against the computer or against friends to correct by answering fraction-based questions.
Whatever you have planned for Pi Day please share via our twitter or Facebook pages and remember the #piday hashtag