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Five-day Walking Challenge - 17th-21st May 2021

May 4, 2021

The five-day walking challenge organised by Living Streets, a UK charity, is an annual celebration of walk to school and the perfect activity to..

Number Day (7th May) and National Numeracy Day (19th May) 2021

April 30, 2021

Number Day is taking place on Friday 7 May 2021. The NSPCC know that Number Day 2021 might be enjoyed by children in small groups or class bubbles,..


April 29, 2021

May 8th 2021 marks the 76th anniversary of VE Day, Victory in Europe Day commemorates Tuesday, 8 May 1945, the date when the Allies of World War II..

National Space Day 2021

April 28, 2021

National Space Day, dedicates the first Friday in May, to the extraordinary achievements, benefits, and opportunities in exploring and using space...

Stress Awareness Month 2021 - Supporting Teachers' Emotional Health

April 15, 2021

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your to-do list seems endless and keeps you awake at night?

Get cracking with our Easter resources 🐣

March 18, 2021

It may not feel like it but spring is only a few days away, it’s the season of baby lambs, daffodils, chocolate, fluffy chicks, chocolate, longer..

World Autism Awareness Week (29 March - 4 April)

March 15, 2021

Over the years a lot of good work has been done to raise awareness of autism. Many people are now aware of autism but there is still so much to do to..

Purple Day - Epilepsy Awareness (26th March)

March 11, 2021

The 26th of March each year is Purple Day. Purple day has been running since 2008 and was created to bring people together to start conversations..

World Down's Syndrome Awareness Week (15-21 March)

March 9, 2021

World Down's Syndrome Day World Down's Syndrome Day is part of the United Nations calendar of events and strives to: Celebrate the lives of people..

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