What can be done to open our schools to the community, provide support networks, safe spaces, and a sense of belonging, and utilise empty spaces?
One school in Fleetwood in Lancashire, Flakefleet, has realised a long-time dream to turn a previously underused building on the site into a fabulous community resource and the Strive coffee shop.
The school's motto, 'Dare to dream,' stems from the headteacher's vision, Dave McParlin @dave_mcpartlin, to provide a space where pupils and the community can, in his own words......
'Fuel minds and friendships alike. Designed for pupils, it’s a hub of aromatic brews and delectable treats, fostering a vibrant social space. Here, students bond, exchange ideas, and relish moments, amplifying the school’s sense of community and camaraderie in every sip.'
Why did Flakefleet set up Strive?
Here is the Headteacher, Dave McPartlin, explaining the rationale behind Strive.
How did the idea of creating a community space with a cafe begin?
As with all ideas, it took time for the project to develop, and it took the enthusiasm and vision of Dave, alongside others in the community, who saw a need for joint support networks and working together to get the project up and running.
But Strive is not just a coffee shop. The coffee shop is an important element as it provides a safe and beautiful space for local people to come and relax and enjoy proper coffee, snacks, and tasty cakes at a reasonable rate. In the local area, the usual meeting places such as pubs have closed down, and the cafes can be pricey, but Strive is an ideal place for groups to now be able to meet. A local swimming group meets here every week after their swim to catch up, and a disabled group visits regularly because the access is excellent for all needs.
So Strive is not just a coffee shop in a school. It's becoming the heart of a community, providing mental health and wellbeing support, training opportunities and a safe place to meet for all.
Although the cafe was only launched in September 2023, all the additional facilities and ethos have already made a huge difference to the school staff and pupils. Conversations and discussions with staff and parents can be had away from the normal school environment. Having somewhere to go to have a prope66r coffee, sit in a quiet place, and discuss what would normally be a snatched chat in a busy school corridor has led to greater engagement and inclusive practice for staff, pupils and parents.
Find out more about Flakefleet's inclusive practice, embedded even before the construction of the Strive resource, by looking at our IncludEd podcast episode here.
Find out more about Strive by visiting our LGfL webpage here
And if you think you might have heard of Dave McPartlin and the pupils of Flakefleet School, or even if you don't recognise the name, make yourself one of those proper coffees, as they have at Strive and take some time to see them here on Britian's Got Talent a few years ago. It's wonderful!
